Saturday 10 January 2009

Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a wonderful new year - filled with peace, tolerance and justice for all.
A wonderful family Christmas was enjoyed by us, with family and friends and restrained celebrating by all.
Since then, I have spent time revisiting my Family History notes ( by way of reading before throwing out many handwritten paper pieces dating from 1996), taking photographs and scrapbooking both real life and digital forms.
I have chosen to take part in the Project 365- a photo a day recorded and scrapped (perhaps). I started this - a photo and a layout a day- first in 2007 and I created 2 months worth of layouts before work committments and life intervened. It is a big commitment, but highlights that something interesting happens every day- even mundane things can become interesting when photographed from a different angle, or journalled about in a clever way.
My first week's layouts: template by Claudette Wooddell-photo-a-day

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